Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My DIY Budget Template

Right now the preview link in the template gallery isn't working so this is a different link. If you search in the Google Docs Template Gallery for Student Bride Wedding Guide Planner you will find the template. Just click use this template to preview it. There is an instruction sheet for each tab. I will be doing a blog on each tab and what I chose to do in that category! If you have any questions PLEASE email me or if you have any comments, suggestions, typos, whatever!

Here is also a link to the original Google Wedding Doc. This is a little more on the side of planning a wedding with catering, florists and wedding planning where my wedding is completely DIY. But you may just want some of the wedding to be DIY and not all of it be as stressful as the path I have chosen [I kid!]

Stick around for the riveting tail of a cupcake tree that was meant to be.

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